We begin 2021 in the midst of a major ongoing crisis. As we enter the new year in our third lockdown it’s a time to take stock in order that…
The Digital Futures project is working to tackle digital exclusion in Westminster through an ambitious partnership between Young Westminster Foundation, Westminster City Council, local businesses and schools aiming to provide…
Thank you to all of you who responded to our first ever member survey. We received responses from a third of our members. This proved to be a really interesting,…
Young Westminster Foundation believes that Black Lives Matter and stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We recognise that racism is a significant issue in the charitable sector…
Youth clubs and organisations across Westminster have re-opened their doors to young people this summer – to a very warm reception. Youth workers and practitioners have worked tirelessly to adapt…
The organisation, led by the Duke of Westminster, partners with prominent youth organisations to keep young people connected to safe spaces and youth workers in their local communities The Westminster…
Young Westminster Foundation’s Summer Programme is now live! CLICK HERE TO READ Summer 2020 felt a long way off when we went into lockdown in mid-March. The change of seasons…
We are conducting our first ever annual members survey and we need your help! At YWF, our members are crucial to our work. We cannot do what we do without…
“WE ARE TOGETHER” SPEARHEADS THE FOUNDATION’S CAMPAIGN TO SUPPORT YOUNG PEOPLE IN LONDON DURING CORONAVIRUS www.ywfoundation.com/donatenow London, May 26 2020: STIK has unveiled a new artwork entitled We Are Together…
Young Westminster Foundation facilitated a workshop with organisations from our cross-sector community to share insight and begin the process of co-designing our second needs analysis; seeking to understanding the experiences…
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